Friday, February 1, 2008


Another 5 or so hours were spent visiting the Cardiologist again yesterday, along with getting some blood work done. Naomi gets sick at least once a day, so we went in a bit early to have her heart checked. There is still quite a large pocket of fluid surrounding the heart, but it does not have to be drained at this point. (Naomi is really scared at the thought of the Doc having to drain it!)
For now, we need to keep her rested and continue with the medications she is on.

We really appreciate the Nurses and help we are receiving from CHANS. They will be coming every day, starting tomorrow, to help out with a new medication.

It's hard when you're 12 (0r 33, for that matter) and you can't do anything!
However, we have so much to be thankful for, and we're hangin' on.

The cards, gifts, and emails really help!


Anonymous said...

I love you all

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm soosoosoosoooo glad to here that you have chans nurses coming to help out- they were a big help with gram when she broke her hip and I'm thankful they'll be helping you out Jen=) love to you and all your fam. -ren