Sunday, February 24, 2008

Some good news this week?

Jason had his last Orthopaedic surgeon appointment this week and it was decided that he will not have to have anymore surgery. This is great news as the surgery they were considering would have involved a metal plate in his chest and permanent nerve damage. He will be in his brace until the end of March and still has a low tolerance for it. He can take lots of breaks from it at home, so it's mostly when we have to go out that it bothers him.

Naomi will see the Cardiologist on Monday to continue monitoring her heart and lungs. Then on Tuesday, she will see the Neurosurgeon. We are hoping he will tell us she is healing well!

So here's a 'heads-up' that there will be news of how Naomi's back and pelvis are healing on here very soon.

I especially want to thank my very dear friend, Renee, who has organized some help with housework for me (And thank you, Liz!). I needed that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Cloukeys,

Just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers.

Leo & Cindy Gibbons