Friday, February 8, 2008

Another visit to Maine Medical Center

Our dear Naomi is down at MMC for the day. The fluid around her heart wasn't decreasing, so they had upped her ibuprophen dosage in hopes that would do the trick. Alas, no, so she's down in Portland for the day to have the fluid drained so they can find out what it is. When Jen called Hawk, she didn't elude to them staying overnight, so as it is now, it is just a day procedure.

Physical therapy has been going well for the family. The home visits make it much easier on everyone. Jen is able to drive now that her cast is off, but the less time on the road the better. There are still trips to the pharmacy and lots of appointments so the gas tank is like a money monster. The aftermath is probably the most draining part of this entire experience. Events have an end. The effects seem to linger longer than we would like, though.

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