Thursday, January 3, 2008

From: John Brophy

Hi all,

I just learned from the website ( that Jen is scheduled for surgery on her wrist tomorrow. They're putting permanent pins in. The web site has been updated with pix of Elijah, and Jen's cast, since yesterday.

Also, Pat & I just got off the phone with Jason, who's been transferred to a regular room (#608). He's actually walked to X-ray and back, using his back brace, and seems in good spirits.

This morning we talked with Jason's sister Mariah at Jen's house. Naomi is improving; still too sedated to talk, but the swelling is going down. Elijah, Jonas, and Tamra have all been in to see her and were OK.

Love, John

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone,

My wife & four sons @ home have deferred our New Years cellabration until my grand-daughter is up about. We are praying for her continued progress. I am amazed @ what God is doing among our family & friends. Its times like this that you realize how rich we really are. Our family has really pulled together. God is truely all knowing. Please except our thanks.


Dennis Cloukey