Wednesday, January 9, 2008

email from John Brophy...

"Big news today: Jason has been transferred to the New England Rehabilitation Hospital of Portland, 335 Brighton Avenue, Portland ME 04102-2374. He is in Room 111.

Naomi has had the tubes taken out of her mouth, and she is talking. She might even be eating solid food tomorrow. Right now her body is still getting rid of all the excess fluids that built up. We talked to Jennifer at 6:30 this evening. She was just leaving Naomi and going to see Jason, whose new hospital is only about 5 minutes away [from Maine Medical Center].

I just called Jason, who is doing "not too shabby" in his words. He was actually transferred yesterday afternoon. Today he had his first therapy session, which was mainly an evaluation of what his status is, and what he will need. He says the food has improved over his last location (which may just be his taste buds coming back), and his pain is manageable with the meds they are giving him.

Your prayers are working!

Love, John"

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