Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another night in the children's wing...

Jen, the "Mom" here...
Jason and I have decided it's best I spend the night here at the hospital again as we are expecting bad weather tomorrow. A special 'thank you' to Mrs. Mitchell, who came by on short notice to "Grandmother" my children until Aunt Moriah could be there to spend yet another night. We are truly grateful.

As I was visiting here today, I was able to meet with a few of the doctors.
Naomi had a CAT Scan this morning and is scheduled for an MRI tomorrow. The doctors are trying to determine whether the fractures in her back can be corrected with a brace, or if she will have to have the same type of surgery that Jason had.
If they opt for the brace, they will monitor her as she heals...over a period of about 2 months. There is a chance that she will then heal with a 'tilt' to her spine, which could cause chronic back pain and possibly surgery at a later date.
For those of you who, like me, are praying; please pray that Naomi will be able to heal through the use of the brace. I am praying that we will see a full recovery for my little girl who has already been through so much.

We do have Internet access here in the hospital room and I will give an update when I can.

Naomi is very comforted when I read the many emails that have been sent to her through the hospital...along with the letters and cards. I cannot thank you all enough for being there...especially those (the list is long) who have been driving me to and from the hospital.


Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I could bring my chiropractor out there in a few months. That man is a Godsend. He can fix anything. Next time I see you guys (maybe next Xmas? One can but hope?) I want to give her a free massage! Hawk, long as he promises not to talk politics.
I'm sending healing mantras your way. I wish I were closer so I could help more.
love and light,

mamabeck said...

thank you for calling CMOMB's attention to your family's trial. There are surely many families praying for you all, from around the world!

Many blessings to you as you heal!
Becky (mamabeck)