Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We still can't help but smile!

Well, we just found out that Naomi has post-traumatic arthritis in her hip. The doctor will be x-raying her hip again in a month to see how it's coming along. He's hoping to see some improvement, over time, as the other option is a major reconstructive surgery (no, thank you!). I am reminded of the time where the neurosurgeons were deciding between the use of a back brace or back surgery. It was such an answer to prayer to find out that we could treat her fractures with the brace. I'm sure we can see another answer to prayer in this area! So, for those who believe, pray with us that Naomi's hip heals over this next month. I'm looking forward to giving a good report!

Since Naomi is not in a lot of pain, and is now off of her medications, it is looking like we will be able to sign her up for softball after all! We've still got to get the "okay" from 3 different doctors, but it's looking good. She may not really be able to play much, but it will feel good to be a part of her old team.

April 3rd may be the last day of the brace. We'll know for sure after her x-rays on that day.

Jason will be having x-rays this week and we are hoping for some more good news.

Even the weather seems to be improving around here. We look forward to being out and about again soon!


Anonymous said...

I am so :)(happy)!! about Naomi! when does she come bac 2 school!!! I enjoyed c-ing her @ the school last FRI. BYE!

ILHLAS(i luv her like a sis)


Anonymous said...

I am so :)(happy)!! about Naomi! when does she come bac 2 school!!! I enjoyed c-ing her @ the school last FRI. BYE!

ILHLAS(i luv her like a sis)